Staffing Forms

Social Networking Policy  

Overall, Sunnybrae Bible Camp views social networking & social media sites (e.g. Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat), personal websites, web blogs, etc., in a positive manner, and respects the right of employees to use them as a medium of self-expression. However, if an employee chooses to identify themselves as an employee of Sunnybrae Bible Camp on such internet venues, some readers of the social media post, website or blog may view the employee as a representative or spokesperson of the Camp. In light of this possibility, Sunnybrae Bible Camp requires, as a condition of employment at Camp, that employees observe the following guidelines when referring to the Camp, its programs or activities, its campers, and/or other employees, in posts, blogs or on a website:

  • Employees must be respectful in all communications, posts and blogs relating to or referencing the Camp, its campers, and/or other staff members.
  • Employees must not use obscenities, profanity, or vulgar language.
  • Employees must not use posts, blogs or personal websites to disparage the Camp, campers, or other employees of the Camp.
  • Employees must not use posts, blogs or personal websites to harass, bully, or intimidate other staff or campers. Behaviours that constitute harassment and bullying include, but are not limited to, comments that are derogatory with respect to race, colour, national/ethnic origin, religion, gender, sexual orientation, or disability; sexually suggestive, humiliating, or demeaning comments; and threats to stalk, haze, or physically injure another staff or camper.
  • Employees must not use posts, blogs or personal websites to discuss engaging in conduct that is prohibited by Camp policy. This includes, but is not limited to, the use of alcohol or drugs, sexual behaviour, sexual harassment, and bullying.
  • Employees must not post pictures of campers or other guests of the Camp without obtaining written permission.
  • Sunnybrae Bible Camp does not host or sponsor networking sites. The use of our Camp name of logo is not allowed without written permission.

Communication with campers:

Although Sunnybrae Bible Camp views social networking, social media, personal websites and web blogs positively for self-expression, we are concerned with how these sites may be accessed and viewed by our campers. As a result, we ask Camp employees to filter and limit their online social media correspondence with campers when not at Camp (including friending, following, etc.). While we recognize that online communication between campers and staff members can be beneficial and rewarding to both parties, we are concerned that campers may access posts, blogs, websites, photographs, and conversations from Camp staff members that are private in nature and/or inappropriate. Sunnybrae Bible Camp staff members are expected to behave responsibly online. We do not support staff members communicating with Sunnybrae campers about any subjects that are in violation of either the Camp Code of Conduct, or in violation of the contract that the staff member signed (regardless of whether on not the contract has expired). Sunnybrae Bible Camp asks that if staff members choose to correspond with campers outside of their time at Camp, that they do so through the Camp office, using either written mail or email. All correspondence between employees and campers should be consistent with Camp policy, and employees shall honour these conditions and policies for no less than 12 months after their employment at the Camp.

All Sunnybrae Bible Camp staff members are expected to keep in mind the following when posting on all social media platforms, and when in communication with campers (keeping in mind the latter should be done through the camp office):

  • Please do not use obscenities, profanity, or vulgar language in communication with campers, nor in your online postings.

  • The discussion of the use of drugs, cigarettes, vaporizers, and/or alcohol is both inappropriate and irresponsible.

  • Disparaging Sunnybrae campers and/or staff members is unfair to the members of our community. We strive to build Christ-based self-esteem of everyone at Camp, please continue to support this goal online.

  • Any form of harassment is prohibited; it is both inappropriate and illegal.

  • Discussion of sexual behaviour is a prohibited subject. Do not include campers or other staff members in any such conversations.

    Please avoid the above topics in your social media posts and blogs, and in communication with campers.

    Keep in mind:
  • Posting pictures of campers of Sunnybrae Bible Camp without their written permission is  a violation of personal privacy.

  • To obtain prior permission to use the Sunnybrae Bible Camp name or logo online. We all work hard to promote Sunnybrae's positive reputation, and to use the Camp name or logo online may damage the reputation that so many have carefully crafted.

  • To ensure that all communication with campers is appropriate. Remember that you are a trusted adult and role model to each camper in the Sunnybrae community, even if you are not at Camp.

white Sunnybrae Bible Camp mountain logo